'Eatkarus' new Edeka advertising spot is clicked millions of times

The new commercial of the food chain Edeka was released on Youtube on Tuesday. Until Thursday morning more than a million people watched the clip. The advertising film is titled "Eatkarus" - a combination of the word eat (eat) and the name Ikarus from the Greek legend of Daidalos and Ikaros. The famous myth is about father and son: they build wings to escape from the labyrinth of Daedalus. Escape with balloons Edeka adapts to the saga - only now is the flight from the "labyrinth of the bad diet". The boy "Eatkarus", the main figure in the commercial, lives in a city that consists only of incredibly overweight people and animals. All feed on unhealthy gray porridge. "Eatkarus" wants to fly like his animal model, the bird, but initially without success. His experiment of climbing balloons with air balloons failed miserably. It is only when he discovers the fruit for himself, like the crow, that the chubby boy takes off and can do the same with paper wings. "Eat like the one you want to be," is the advertising message with which the supermarket chain wants to miss a healthy image. – Quelle: http://www.berliner-zeitung.de/25746394 ©2017
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